Effective Governance and Development of Apparatus Resources through Coaching Mentoring and Counseling at the Jember Customs
1Maksi Drivandi Madya Triswanto,2Purwowibowo,3Agus Sukristyanto,4Selfi Budi Helpiastuti
1public administration doctoral program, Jember University, Indonesia
2Department of Social Welfare Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Jember, Indonesia
3Faculty of Social and Political, University of 17 Augustus 1945, Surabaya, Indonesia
4Department of public administration, faculty of social and political sciences, University of Jember, Indonesia

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This research aims to; a) explain the model of effective human resource governance through coaching mentoring and counseling (CMC); b) explain the performance achievements of the apparatus in managing Jember customs; and c) explaining the behavior of public administration within the framework of apparatus governance through a psychological assessment approach using the CMC method. This research uses qualitative methods with a focus on ASN governance at Jember Customs and Excise. Determination of informants using a purposive method, so that in this study there were 9 people with different roles. Data collection uses observation techniques, in-depth interviews, documentation, and literature study. All data is processed through three stages, including data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that Jember Customs and Excise carried out psychological and CMC assessments in order to make existing resources effective. The assessment method using the CMC approach has been successful as seen from ASN's performance achievements in governance at Jember Customs and Excise. The CMC that is implemented provides enlightenment for ASN in providing services to the community. CMC also has an influence on increasing accountability through performance measurement. One of the parameters for achieving individual employee and organizational goals is reflected in the increase in the service user satisfaction index at Jember Customs where in 2021 it will get an index of 4.21 to 4.43. Service users also provide very satisfied ratings of the various types of services provided by Jember Customs and Excise employees.


Governance; development; human resources; effectiveness; coaching; mentoring; counseling


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